Wendy Videlock
Alcohol Inks / Poetry
ABout the Artist
Wendy Videlock lives at the foot of Thunder Mountain in Palisade with her husband and their various critters; their human critters have long since flown the coop. She is an award winning poet, artist, and teacher whose poems, reviews, and essays appear in O Magazine, Hudson Review, Best American Poetry, Hopkins Review, Rattle, The New York Times, Poetry and other venues. Her books are available everywhere books are sold. Wendy’s visual art is inspired by a sense of movement, discovery, and the natural world. She insists that alcohol ink, known for being “difficult to control” is actually the most forgiving of all the painting mediums. The trick, she says, is not to force anything but to surrender to the natural rhythm of the creation at hand. If you pay attention it will reveal itself to you. Wendy believes that incorporating creative practice into our daily lives is a great joy, a worthy difficulty, and might just be the answer to all that ails us. In a world where the paradigm of duality dominates the culture, she says, the arts give us the opportunity to explore new, more intuitive ways of thinking, feeling, communicating, and yes, even healing.